Our ProFlow® product line is our most popular wave. Offered in Single, Double, Triple, and Quad configurations, and introducing our new Super Single attraction, our ProFlow is sized and priced to fit your particular project. Using one or more dividers, you will be able to increase your throughput up to an estimated 720 rides per hour for a ProFlow Triple model or an astonishing 960 rides per hour for the Quad model.
For clients who are interested in two ride lanes, but are more budget conscious, we offer our ProFlow Super Single - a single pump attraction that still provides two ride lanes. We use a larger pump to create our flow, which reduces power consumption and costs, but still allows for two riders at one time - the width is just 5-6 feet narrower.
The ProFlow may be operated as a high capacity attraction during peak hours or offered to more experienced riders as a single ride surface during slower hours. During off hours, the ride may be used for private events, birthdays or private lessons, maximizing and diversifying your revenue streams.
Riders will feel safe with the padded side bumper walls with a perimeter that lacks any hard 90° corners, minimizing the potential for injury. Additionally, we designed the recovery area 20 feet long - reducing rear impacts dramatically.

Features include:
SAFETY – adherence to the highest safety standards as provided by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).
LARGE RIDE AREA AND WAVE HEIGHT - our ride provides almost 200 square meters (650 square feet!) of ride surface area with a fully-customizable wave height with popular configurations in the range of 1.4 meters (4.6 feet).
GROUND UP DESIGN – by reviewing the product from a customer perspective, we performed many design revisions to come up with what we consider to be the most customer friendly sheet wave product on the market. By minimizing tank volume and making pump access easier, we developed a ride with what we believe is the lowest cost of ownership in the industry.
MINIMAL MAINTENANCE – after speaking with many owners of sheet waves in the industry, we developed what we consider to be the lowest maintenance requirements available in the industry.
Pumps – Our pump configurations allow for oil changes once every three (3) years with the pump in the horizontal configuration with average oil changes times in a few hours. Also, pumps are easy removal with only a forklift (NO costly cranes necessary!), leading to less downtime and lower maintenance costs.
Padding System – we provide the option of incorporating our proprietary padding system into each of our rides. What does this mean? A system designed to be 100% water resistant with mechanical terminations on all edges.
Water – by designing our attractions to have a minimal water volume, our customers can save on construction (excavation, concrete forming and pouring) and equipment costs (filtration and heating system) as well as ongoing maintenance costs (energy, chemicals).
For the ultimate in family thrills and with maximum excitement, the ProFlow is for you.